When it comes to games, I'm "A Lifer". In some sense, while I had no idea what I was doing otherwise,
I knew I wanted to be in the game industry ever since I first played
while poking at R.O.B.
to hurry it up. I don't draw boxes around genres or play-styles in games, be they interfaced on a screen
or in a hand. After all the art, tech, and now corporate involvement in games, if you are to create a great
one, you need only focus on what they are all about: Fun! I start with a vision on what I would really like
to play and let the structure flow from there. So check out some of my past design documents and see what I
can see. By the way, these game designs have since been greatly improved and revamped, so I'm happy to
jettison them out to the ether.
This is the initial game design document for an Xbox360, PC, and PS3 console video game I designed last year at the behest of the President of The Disinformation Company, entitled "Fale Flag: Culture of Consent". The company's plan was to seek investment capital to fund the game's development. After multiple meetings with their CEO, COO, and Art Director this was the game I envisioned incorporating their varied input within the context of my own expertise on which games were popular, what has not yet been done, and how we could carve a wide, marketable niche. They wanted a AAA Grade 3rd person shooter, something like Deus-Ex meets Fallout 3. This document delivers that scope by outlining its core gameplay components, storyboarded "killer-app" functionality, a beta-storyline, an example user experience, my random mission-generation engine, menu & subsystem mockups, and finally a quick game world overlay along with other items which complete the initial package.
Download both my CVs for a full list of my most relevant work experience. If there is anything more you would like to see, shoot me an email.
If you're looking for a particular niche that is not covered in my current site, feel free and ask me. I may be available for professional freelance work.
Email is my preferred method of contact. I'll get back to you post-haste. If we find an opportunity interesting, we can follow up via cell.